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Do Guys Like Girls With Brown Hair and Blue Eyes

Do guys like dark hair and blue eyes on a girl? Like in the pics?


Do guys like dark hair and blue eyes on a girl? Like in the pics?

Most Helpful Girls

  • LittleSally

    Don't go fully black... rather go for chocolate brown...
    Yeah, it can be a really nice combination.

    The first pic - Megan Fox - dyed her hair black - does not suite her.

    Nowadays she has deep chocolate brown - looks much better.

    • Anonymous

      Yeah I was thinking the same.. Black would look too heavy on me i think. Dark chocolate Brown is perfect

  • prettyweird

    It's a beautiful exotic look but it also depends on your skintone. Make sure your a little tan like the girls in these pictures and that your brows and lashes match your hair. And if your hair grows out it can look a little ratched too

    • Anonymous

      No I'm a natural brunette.. and yes I am a little tanned. I have blue eyes but Im sick of being blonde lol... yeah maybe I should give it a try

    • prettyweird

      In that case i would give it a try or maybe first try a temporary hairdye. L'Oréal has these new temporary hairdyes.

  • Lisagne

    Maybe try a washout a first and see if YOU like it. Whatever makes you comfortable and makes you feel beautiful is good!

Most Helpful Guys

  • ampers

    No All girls are different. What looks good on one might look bad on another.
    Photoshop your hair a different colour and see if it looks good on you.
    As for guys, if it suits you guys will like it.

    Like 3 People

    • Anonymous

      Yeah i think it will suit me since I'm a natural brunette

  • QooLipBite

    I fucking love dark haired blue eye girls.

    The dark hair (namely black) along with bright blue eyes, although rare, but it gives a striking look.

    • Anonymous

      Agree completely

    • QooLipBite

      The one in the second photo is gorgeous. The facial structure adds to it even more 😂

      Somehow reminds me of a 'wolf'like thingy... I don't know just some shit I can't describe 😂 (Maybe it's my association with huskies and blue eyes and dark fur)

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What Girls & Guys Said

3 17

  • guy42069

    I love that look! But not with black hair/darker skin, it works better with lighter skin and brown hair for me

  • DarthLadyKiller

    YEEEES! Especially when she has a tan. Besides blonde hair with blue eyes, this is my favourite. This may even BE my favourite!

  • Anon85

    If you're blonde go for brunette, but if you have brown hair already don't go black - if you want it darker just make it a deeper brown

  • AaronKrieger

    My current crush has black hair and blue eyes. I think you should go for it, but it really depends on how you dress, and etc.

  • bellagsully

    I think super deep glowy brown with blue eyes is beautiful

  • Bleh-___-

    I do hurhur. It depends on the full face really. The colors themselves won't automatically make someone attractive. But I find it makes people look exotic.

    Like Disagree 2 People

    • Anonymous


    • InfoBot

      @Bleh-___- has no hair and a glass eye

    • Bleh-___-

      @InfoBot stop projecting your own insecurities on me

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  • alice55

    They do, it's what I naturally have and guys are attracted to me.

  • normielover6969xD

    I dont like dark hair at all. The girl has to be perfect if she has dark hair

    • Anonymous

      Lol I am pretty attractive.

    • normielover6969xD

      I can be a judge of that

  • king34

    It looks weird, but at the end of the day I couldn't care less about her hair or eyes

  • austinbooth

    I say it's the inside that counts. Their soul. Second their health

  • Davisonwutthis

    in my opinion blonds/ginger hair with blue eyes look hella beautiful to me

  • JustCallMeLeon

    Keep it natural. The sexiest thing on a girlis her confidence.

    Like 1 Person

  • TheFlak38

    Does this mean your blonde? If yes don't dye them.

    • Anonymous

      Yes but I've been blonde for too long now.. why not, these women are freaking gorgeous with dark hair

    • TheFlak38

      Im not implying that it will make you less beautiful. Im implying that dark hair will make you less special.

    • Anonymous

      What a sick way of thinking

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  • BluAnnon

    OMG, that looks SO creepy

  • soul1112

    I like it better without tan.

    Like 1 Person

  • Safi666999

    For sure, specially when i cum on it

  • Bronko11

    Beautiful women black hair looks well I think 🤛

  • dvdmike

    Yes, but have never found her attractive.

    • Anonymous

      her? who are you talking about

    • dvdmike

      First pic is Fox right?

    • Anonymous

      Yes yes

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  • Matt57

    Go for what you think looks nice on you.

    Like 2 People

  • Nahid1234


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