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Art in the Loop Memphis Festiva April 8 Adrian Jenkins

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Join our Lath!

Join our Board!

Richmond Art Center's lath plays an of import role in supporting and guiding the organization.  Different individual board members bring unlike experience, skills, knowledge and connections to their Board work.

Read Richmond Art Heart's Mission, Vision and Values.

Who We Are Looking For

  • People who live and/or work in Richmond, who are customs-minded and thoughtful about how Richmond Art Middle could better serve the customs in and around Richmond
  • Artists and others who know and love Richmond Art Center
  • People with bookkeeping/bookkeeping expertise with the potential to serve on the board finance committee and/or as board teasurer
  • A lawyer (for the general knowledge and event-spotting ability lawyers tend to have)
  • People who tin can help us raise money for Richmond Art Heart
  • Leaders with the potential to exist board vice president and president in the futurity

What tin you lot expect?

Board members attend board meetings (currently beingness held via Zoom), act equally ambassadors at select evening and weekend events, give of their expertise and wisdom and brand a personal financial contribution to the extent that they can.  A Board member's term is three years, with a 2-term limit. Service on the Lath of Directors is unpaid.


To volunteer / apply:

Contact Donna Brorby, chair of the board nominations commission, at

A CV/resumé/brief bio would exist appreciated merely is non necessary.

Image: The WCCUSD Student Art Show Reception, April 2022

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Summer Programs for Youth (13-24)

Two Summer Programs for Youth (thirteen-24)

Annals today for these summer intensive classes for young artists. And don't forget we have scholarships available if you need one!

Framing Identity: Legends, Characters, and Icons

Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, 11:00am – 2:30pm
June seven – June 30, 2022

For this iii-week form, artists ages 13-17 will join mixed media visual artist, Alex Martinez, in exploring what legends, characters, and icons that have informed their personal identity or cultural understanding and shape their visual linguistic communication.

Summer Mural Program for Richmond Youth
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1pm to 4pm
June 14 – July 28, 2022

With instructorsFred Alvarado and Keena Azania Romano, a cohort of twelve young artists (ages 14-24) volition learn about different models of community art projects and create a collaborative mural project. Students will learn bones color theory, composition, and painting methods. This class welcomes Spanish speakers and is an inclusive bilingual space. El Artista Maestro habla Español.

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Framing Identity: Legends, Characters, and Icons

Framing Identity: Legends, Characters, and Icons

New Summer Class for Youth

Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, 11:00am – 2:30pm

June 7 – June 30, 2022

For this three-week grade, artists ages xiii-17 will join mixed media visual artist, Alex Martinez, in exploring what legends, characters, and icons that have informed their personal identity or cultural understanding and shape their visual language.

Most the Artist: Alex Martinez (she/her/they) is a Queer Latinx mixed media visual artist and teacher who is based in Oakland, California.  Her mixed media paintings and prints playfully juxtapose her ancestors with Mexican ephemera, folklore, legends, and pop civilization characters that represent her personal identity and visual mural.

Instructor Alex Martinez
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Summer Mural Program for Richmond Youth!

S.P.O.T.Southward: Supporting Peoples Outlooks, Talents, and Speech communication

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1pm to four pm

June 14 – July 28, 2022

The painting spot, the gathering spot, the spot light or epicenter of action.

Public art is a powerful tool for customs building. This program will introduce immature artists to the means to create vibrant customs art works. A cohort of twelve immature artists (ages 14-24) will learn about different models of customs art projects, assistance to define how the program will local youth, and create a collaborative landscape project. Students will learn basic color theory, limerick, and painting methods.

CLICK HERE to view the mural created by youth participating in the program in 2021.

Eligibility: This half-dozen week course is for youth ages 14-24 who live, work or report in Richmond.

Stipend: Each student volition receive a $200 stipend for their work at the completion of the plan.

Schedule: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1pm-4pm, June 14 – July 28, 2022

Instructors: Fred Alvarado and Keena Azania Romano

This class welcomes Spanish speakers and is an inclusive bilingual space. El Artista Maestro habla Español.

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Spring Updates: A Message from José R. Rivera, Executive Manager

Hello Friends,

Could there exist a more perfect cover artwork for our Spring Itemize than instructor Chris Harper Triplett'due south Flower Cowgirl? Some students may recognize this piece as Chris created information technology as a demo in her watercolor class back in 2018.

Every bit Covid-nineteen case numbers continue to go downward and the Bay Area gradually "opens upward" you lot'll see some positive changes rolling out at Richmond Art Centre. Our gallery hours are expanding (Wed-Sat 10am-4pm), new staff hires are arriving (welcome Elaine Moreno, our new Visitor Services Coordinator), and more than in-person classes will run every bit part of our Spring Session schedule. A highlight for me in the galleries this spring is—after a two yr pause—the return of the WCCUSD Student Art Evidence. Be inspired by the skill and vision of the side by side generation of local artists.

There's also a lot happening behind the scenes at RAC. Our pedagogy team is collaborating with RYSE Youth Center and Due east Bay Center for the Performing Arts to run a professional person development training serial for educators. The makeover of the metals studio continues and we are hosting the Metal Arts Guild Picnic. Artists-in-residence Liberación Gráfica are working in the print studio with a grouping of students from Richmond High. And nosotros were excited to send iii staff to the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts (NCECA) conference in Sacramento this past March. Marisa Burman, RAC's Ceramics Manager, described the event as, "rich and stimulating".

I expect forrard to meeting you lot at RAC soon!

José R. Rivera

Executive Director

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Register NOW for Spring Session Art Classes

Which class volition yous join?

  • In-person classes for adults, teens and kids at Richmond Fine art Center
  • Plus some online and offsite classes as well
  • And classes with bilingual instructors
  • New classes include bookmaking, photomontage, plein air, chiaroscuro and glazing, woodworking, welded sculpture and dj-ing
  • Don't forget, needs-based scholarships are available
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We're Hiring! Education Coordinator

We're Hiring! Education Coordinator (Part-Time)

Join Richmond Art Center's squad. We're looking for an Educational activity Coordinator to support all Instruction Programs, Projects, Partnerships and Personnel – Online, On-site, and Off-site.

Apply today! This position is open until filled.

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Welcome Elaine Moreno, RAC'south new Visitor Services Coordinator!

We are and so happy to welcome Elaine Moreno to Richmond Fine art Center's staff team. Elaine is our new Visitor Services Coordinator.

Delight say hello and welcome to Elaine at the front desk-bound next time you are at RAC!

About Elaine: Elaine Moreno is a Bay Area born and raised Visual Artist, primarily working with Flick and Digital Photography. Elaine'southward passion for the arts started at an early on historic period, and brought her to California Higher of the Arts where she graduated in 2021 with a Bachelor's of Fine Arts in Photography and Visual Studies Minor. Elaine aims to give dorsum to her community that helped propel her artistic journey in hopes to inspire and guide others forth their artistic paths.

Image: Elaine with her pup Pickle

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Tiana Beard Volume Signing

Tiana Beard Book Signing

Saturday, April 9, 1pm-3pm
Location: Richmond Art Eye, 2540 Barrett Avenue, Richmond, CA 94804

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Spring Exhibitions Opening Reception

Leap Exhibitions Reception

Sabbatum, Apr 2, 2pm-4pm

Richmond Fine art Center, 2540 Barrett Avenue, Richmond, CA


Join united states on Sabbatum, April 2, 2pm-4pm for the opening reception for our spring exhibitions:

Dewey Crumpler: Crossings

The first survey of Dewey Crumpler'due south 'shipping container' piece of work to be exhibited in the Bay Area. The exhibition volition include over 120 works that ask us to consider the history, lived legacy and future impact of the global shipping industry.

Correct Here, Right Now: A Biennial of Richmond Fine art

In its second edition, Right Here, Right Now volition nowadays the work of eight Richmond artists selected for their risk-taking and visionary creative practices.

Nadie es ilegal en tierra robada

A solo exhibition of photography past Diamela Cutiño.

Elevation paradigm: Artwork by Dewey Crumpler. Courtesy of the Creative person and Jenkins Johnson Gallery

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